21 Days of Prayer + Fasting 2025
Join the Foursquare family worldwide in Spirit-filled prayer Jan. 6-26
As the global Foursquare family anticipates 21 Days of Prayer + Fasting 2025, under the theme “Spirit-Filled Prayer,” President Randy Remington invites us to prepare our hearts for a move of God.
Bonus Prayer Room in January
Bonus Prayer Room in January
In addition to our weekly Prayer Room each Wednesday at 12pm, we will also be offering an evening session at 7pm on January 8th,15th, and 22nd. On January 26th we will be joining with Foursquare Churches from around the Bay Area for an amazing time of Worship. Grab your invite card at the Connection Center this Sunday for all the details. Make plans to include Prayer Room in your 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting commitment this January.
Christmas Faire
Join us in the Cafe for our 3rd Annual Christmas Faire. We’ll have lots of vendors where you can do some Christmas shopping, a Food Truck, and more! Invite your friends!
Family Lunch December
Join us every First Sunday this fall for a Family Lunch in the Cafe after service. Please plan to bring a main dish to share if you plan to stay and eat. This is just another great way to “do life together at the TABLE!”
Family Lunch November
Join us every First Sunday this fall for a Family Lunch in the Cafe after service. Please plan to bring a main dish to share if you plan to stay and eat. This is just another great way to “do life together at the TABLE!”
Bridge Men Study: Philippians Embracing Joy
Philippians Embracing Joy by Mark Batterson
Joy is everywhere in the book of Philippians.
The emotion that Paul poured out in his letter to the church in Philippi shines through in every one of its 104 verses...and Paul wrote it as a prisoner chained to a Roman guard.
What gives the Apostle Paul such resounding joy, even in the face of suffering and persecution? In this six-week study, bestselling author and pastor Mark Batterson serves as a tour guide on the letter to the Philippians; uncovering the major themes of joy, gratitude, unity, and purpose found in this inspiring letter.
Family Lunch October
Join us every First Sunday this fall for a Family Lunch in the Cafe after service. Please plan to bring a main dish to share if you plan to stay and eat. This is just another great way to “do life together at the TABLE!”
Bridge Women Study - Flourishing w/ Christine Caine
Flourishing w/ Christine Caine
Two times offered: 10 am and 7 pm
"But I am like a flourishing olive tree in the house of God, I trust in God’s faithful love forever and ever. " Psalm 52:8
The olive tree is incredible - it not only withstands fires, floods, and drought, it finds a way to thrive and still produce fruit in the face of such adversity. In Flourishing: Lessons from the Olive Tree, Christine Caine will take you on a 7-week journey to discover how you too can thrive and flourish in every season of your life - even the challenging ones. This small group study is packed with deep biblical insights and personal stories that will keep you laughing as you gain wisdom and encouragement from the olive tree.
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
In 8 weeks, you’ll learn how to slow down your life and develop depth in your relationship with Jesus.
Confront the Crisis of Emotionally Unhealthy Spirituality
Know and Become Your Authentic Self in Christ
Discover How Your Family of Origin Affects You Today
Find Your Way Through "Walls" to Grow into Maturity
Enlarge Your Soul Through Embracing Grief and Loss
Integrate Silence and Sabbath to Slow Down for Jesus
Grow Into an Emotionally Healthy Adult
Design a Lifelong Plan to Live in God's Love
A Discipleship Journey GAME PLAN
A Discipleship Journey GAME PLAN
This class will help you answer the question “How do I follow Jesus and be more like him?”
If you are new to The Bridge, welcome! We would like to invite you to a light lunch reception after service in the sanctuary.
Meet the team and learn more about The Bridge.
Marriage Refresher
Join us in San Carlos on Saturday August 3rd
Experience a Marriage Refresher led by Gary & Tammy Dunahoo.
The theme is: The Steward Leader in Marriage
Our time together will be conversational.
You can expect to interact with great content and have conversation around the table with time for Q & A.
We plan to close the event with a time of prayer together.
Lunch is included in the registration price.
Childcare is available - please add them to your registration.
Register Here:
KFAX Radio Interview & Sermon w/ Pastor Brian
KFAX Radio Interview & Sermon w/ Pastor Brian
Join us on Saturday, June 22nd at 9am for our “Improve Your Serve” leadership class. We had an incredible time at the last class and this one is going to be great as well. Come and learn how to take your life and leadership to the next level! Sign up at the Connection Center today.
Father's Day at The Bridge
Make plans to join us Sunday, June 16th for a great service and a special opportunity to celebrate all of the amazing Dad’s at The Bridge. We’ve got some exciting surprises in store!
Baptism Sunday
Have you been baptized in water? Would you like to? We are having a Water Baptism service next Sunday, June 9th at 9:30am. Sign up at the Connection Center to join us and to receive more information.
Cooking with The Bridge
Cooking with The Bridge
At the table cooking class with Pastor Brian. Good food, fun and raffle prizes! Invite your friends and family, sign up today!
Class starts at 7pm. $15/person, sign up at the Connection Center.
Cooking with The Bridge
Cooking with The Bridge
At the table cooking class with Pastor Brian. Good food, fun and raffle prizes! Invite your friends and family, sign up today!
Class starts at 7pm. $10/person, sign up at the Connection Center.
Portuguese Bible Study
Bridge Women: Portuguese Bible Study
Sat, Apr 20, 2024 - Sat, May 25, 2024
Saturdays at 11am 6 week study
Campo de Batalha da Mente: Vencendo A Batalha Em S (Em Portugues do Brasil)
Medo, dúvidas, confusão, depressão, raiva e sentimentos de condenação... tudo isso é um ataque à sua mente. Se você sofre com pensamentos negativos, esteja confiante! Joyce Meyer tem ajudado milhares a vencer essa importante batalha e poderá ajudá-lo também. Com seu melhor bestseller, a amada autora e ministra mostra como você pode transformar sua vida mudando sua mente. Ela ensina como lidar com milhares de pensamentos que temos todos os dias e como focar nossa mente em pensar como Deus pensa. Ela compartilha as lutas, as tragédias e as últimas vitórias de seu próprio casamento, da sua família e do seu ministério, que a levaram a uma impressionante verdade transformadora de vidas, além de revelar, passo a passo, seus pensamentos e sentimentos.
INSPIRE Women's Gathering
Join us for another incredible NorCal Region Women’s Gathering happening on April 19 and April 20 in Folsom, CA. We’ll have amazing worship led by a collective of women who are worship leaders in our region and our speaker will be the incredible Lisa Bevere.
Lisa Bevere has spent over four decades empowering women of all ages to find their destiny and purpose. She is a New York Times best-selling author and internationally known minister. Her books, which include Without Rival, Godmothers, Girls with Swords, Lioness Arising, and her recent devo Fiercely Loved, are in the hands of millions worldwide.
Lisa and her husband, John, co-founded Messenger International, an organization committed to developing uncompromising followers of Christ who transform their world. Messenger International has given away nearly 50 million resources in 116 languages.
Space is limited, so register right away so you don’t miss out! Click HERE for more details and to register.
Bridge Women: Ribology
Wednesdays at 10am or 7pm
Ribology by Charlotte Gambill is a six-week video-based Bible Study designed for you to be encouraged, empowered, and equipped to be all God has called you to be. It was birthed out of a sincere desire for a deeper understanding of God’s design for us as women, so together we can play our part more fully to advance His Kingdom and fulfill the call of God on our lives.This study was designed for you. Whether you are a leader, a mom, a wife, a friend, or someone who is looking to find their place, this is for you.
What people are saying…
“Ribology has enlarged my perspective on God’s plan for me as a woman. Charlotte puts language to what all of us are longing to hear about the complex design of women that will leave you feeling empowered, encouraged and ready to utilize the gifting’s He’s placed inside of you to fulfill the call of God on your life unapologetically!”
— Sandy Moreno, Ribology Group Leader