Meet the Team
Brian & Cynthia Goodell
Pastors Brian and Cynthia are blessed to have five grown children and currently five grandchildren who love Jesus and are serving God in a variety of capacities across three states. They love to travel, cook, and indulge in fine cuisine, and especially love hosting people at their kitchen table.
Pastor Brian (PB) has been in ministry 30 plus years and the Senior Pastor at The Bridge for over 22 years. He currently serves our Foursquare denomination as the Regional Pastor, overseeing 54 churches in Northern California. With a Masters in Strategic Leadership, Pastor Brian loves to develop visionary leaders by providing guidance in their pastoral calling.
Pastor Cynthia is Executive Pastor at The Bridge overseeing many aspects of the ministry with a special emphasis on discipleship, prayer, the prophetic, and loves to help people discover their spiritual gifts and begin to use them.
Our Pastors
Brian Goodell
Senior Pastor Regional Pastor
Cynthia Goodell
Executive Pastor
Dr. Teresa Parish
Associate Pastor Teaching Team Prayer Team Discipleship
Tamer Bahu
Associate Pastor
Our Team
Gavin Parish
Sound + Media
Sue McMullen
Event Coordinator
Kristine Piñon
Website Manager Content Creator
Our Council
Billy McMullen
Alan Johnson
Gavin Parish
Tim Solari