Our church partnerships, founded on our identity in Christ, produce visible transformation and outcomes globally. Through our financial giving and commitment to one another in relationship, we reveal the face of God to the world and advance His kingdom.
Norman and Fanny Doromal |
Missionaries in Saskatchewan, Canada
The Doromals launched on November 27, 2016 with the hope of planting churches, training leaders, and aiding the Foursquare movement in Saskatchewan. They are now entering their 6th year of ministry in Canada; they have planted 3 churches, restarted 1 Foursquare Church, baptized 30 new believers, and supported bi-vocational leaders in balancing work and the blessing of long-overdue sabbaticals. Recently, the Doromals have shifted their focus into concentrated training of local leaders rather than going from city to city to plant churches.
Ways to Pray: 1. Health issues 2. Protection as they drive from one church plant to another 3. Community Outreach Program: Church services to Lanigan and Nokomis Senior Centres 4. Finances
Eric & Kimberly | Missionaries in Central Asia
Eric and Kimberly have been serving as missionaries among unreached people groups for many years and are now preparing to launch a new church planting team in Central Asia. The people group they are working among is over 99% Muslim and in desperate need of the truth and hope of Jesus Christ. They are part of the Live | Dead initiative with the vision of helping to start church planting movements among unreached people groups.
Ways to Pray: New Church Launch Team, Protection & Safety, Unreached People Groups in Central Asia
Foursquare Missions International (FMI) | Global Missions Fund
Foursquare Missions International (FMI) is the missions arm of The Foursquare Church, responsible for recruiting, training, sending and helping to care for missionaries across the globe in partnership with local indigenous churches.
Life Pacific University |
Foursquare Bible College
Life Pacific University’s (LPU) historic and continuing mission is the preparation and education of leaders entering ministry, including pastoral, missional, bi-vocational, non-traditional, and marketplace ministry. Sponsored by our denomination, The Foursquare Church, LPU believes that a biblically centered education is transformative and will prepare students for effective careers and fruitful ministry within the church and the marketplace.
KITE Ministries |
Non-Profit, founded by Dr. Teresa Parish
KITE is the International teaching, equipping, prophetic, and healing ministry of Dr. Teresa Parish. KITE’s driving mission is to encourage and empower the local Church to evangelize, equip, and release spiritually mature believers into communities to see lives transformed by the love and power of God. KITE, through Dr. Teresa’s leadership, empowers church congregations through seminars, workshops, church preaching & teaching, and conference speaking.